Linux Raspberry Software I always install
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo apt-get distro-update
sudo apt install gwenview konsole krename kate dolphin kdenlive gimp chromium-browser synaptic k3b htop ffmpeg handbrake handbrake-cli vlc mediainfo mediainfo-gui caja-mediainfo gparted xz-utils qemu qemu-utils qemu-system-common qemu-system qemu-guest-agent aqemu qemu-system-gui gufw caja-rename rename gprename rename-flac flatpak neofetch nmap iftop cheese imagemagick fswebcam krita pinta kid3 nmap mariadb-common mariadb-client mariadb-server krusader ttf-mscorefonts-installer oxygen-icon-theme xsane bluefish gthumb ffmpegthumbnailer wine dosbox sslh sshfs encfs fuse-zip fuseiso youtube-dl wireshark winff partitionmanager kcalc imagemagick-doc imgsizer imageinfo unrar unrar-free filezilla calibre konqueror pan audacity mousepad ubuntu-restricted-extras net-tools mkvtoolnix shotcut libvpx-dev libvpx-doc vpx-tools hwinfo
MakeMkv - makes MKV backup of DVD
sudo apt remove vim trojita byobu
sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt-get distro-update
Furthermore you may need to run a dist-upgrade to perform larger upgrades:
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade